I always wanted to develop an own website to share with the world my hobbies and interests. On July the 25th 2015 I started with the help to the website WordPress to create my own Homepage. But because the creativity was very limited, I started on Winter 2018 to develop my perfect Homepage by my own. On Sommer 2019 I have begun my Apprenticeship as a Computer Scientist. There I learned to program in Java and C++. We used differents Development Environment as like Dev C++ for C++ or NetBeans for Java. In Inter-company courses we learned many things as like to program with PHP and MariaDB or HTML and CSS.

About me

My name is Jeremy Colameo. I was born on the 2nd of October in 2001 in Aarau (CH). I have 2 Siblings and a Dog. My interest is in multimedia. At my free time I am interested on Computer-Science, Movies, Photography and Art. Besides the IT, I enjoy photographing, making Videos or go out with my Dog.

Web Developmnent

My passion with Web Development began when i went in 2018 to an evening event, where they showed us on how to program your own Homepage. Since the evening it begun my interest on Computer-Science.

Video animation

One of my favorite Hobby is to shoot and edit videos. Usually I edit my Videos with the free programm, Davinci Resolve.

Film fanatic

When my friends wants to know an opinion about a movie they always come to me. When it comes to Movies, i am a real nerd. I love to watch them and talk about it.


I'm still at the beginning with my Apprenticeship as a Computer-Scientist but i love to learn new things. My favourite Camputer-language is java but i like database too.


As everyone, i also enjoy listen to music. My favourite Music-genre is Rock from the 80s. Some of my favourite bands are ACDC, Rolling Stones or beatles.


I bought myself my first Camera, when i was 14 years old. My Camera is a Panasonic Lumix FZ300. It is a Bridge-Camera.